
In a large-scale study carried out on the occasion of a six-month clinical test in the Department of Dermatology and Allergology of the Ruhr University Bochum, St. Josef Hospital, under the direction of Prof. Dr. med. med. P. Altmeyer and senior physician Dr. med. med. Klaus Hoffmann, it has been found that MICRO PEELING SENSATION is able to effectively and gently cleanse the skin <-> without any side effects <-> especially of fats, dandruff and daily deposits - even one Exfoliate effect on the horny layer, as he z. In which acne is desired for the removal of follicular hyperkeratosis.

Both effects were rated by the subjects and by the investigators as "very good and side effect free" .

In addition, MICRO PEELING SENSATION has received a dermatological report
carried out on behalf of the LPT, Laboratory of Pharmacology and Toxicology phil. J. Leuschner Hamburg, at the Institute Schrader, Holzminden, project CC - 98 - 282, the predicate "very good skin-friendly" receive.